Is it you?
9 o’clock in the evening
I hope to be tired
My mind never rests
My heart pounds harder by the second
The needs of my body are unheard
I put all my hope in two little pills that
May or may not bring rest.
Physical rest.
Do you miss me tonight?
Do you remember the daily talks, laughs, conversations.
Why can’t I get you out of my head.
Is it you?
10 o’clock in the evening
The quiet time I dread
The time when my mind takes over
Memories flood the cavity of all other thoughts
They take over everything about anything
I feel no effects from the pills
I feel that my body needs stillness
Are you laying in bed?
Are you missing me like this?
Is it you?
11 o’clock in the evening
Not even the slightest hint of drowsiness
Tears come and go
Frustration looms
Sadness hovers
Sleep nowhere to be found
Are you angry with me?
Are you mad because I haven’t called?
Was I a waste of your time?
Is it you?
The TV is on
The sound is turned down
The picture is clear
I see nothing.
I close my eyes hoping for rest
I toss and turn hoping to fall off into sleep
You will not leave my thoughts
You will not leave my mind
Is it you?
1 o’clock in the morning
My heart is beating so fast
I can’t hear anything but the pounding
Inside my head
The house is creaking
For one moment I wonder
If someone came in
Or did you just enter my dreams?
Did you bust into the realm of my unpeaceful rest?
Is it you?
2 o’clock in the morning
I fight to get back to sleep
Even if just for a fleeting moment
It’s sleep
Empty space with no thoughts
Quiet time in my head
But I long for your touch
I long to hold you
To touch you
To graze my lips against yours
I long to hear you say “I love you”
Is it you?
3 o’clock in the morning
I tell the thoughts of my mind to go away
I chase the hurt feelings out of my heart
I open the door for anger
I welcome in the frustration
I allow rage to push away the loneliness
And even in anger-
I miss you.
I pray for you.
I want to know if you are happy.
I want to know if you think of me at all.
I want to know if I can’t get you out of my mind
Because you can’t get me out of yours.
Is it you?
4 o’clock in the morning
I give up the illusion of rest
I give up on taking things day by day
I let go of hoping each day is better
It’s all one endless period of time
Time without you
Time without the love I crave
Time that I am left to my own thoughts
Left to my own conclusions
Left to my own assumptions
Are you sleeping well?
Are you going to wake and tell someone else
Good morning and have a good day?
Are you going to wake up and wait for me to call?
Is it you?
5 o’clock in the morning
It is time to start another day
Another day that I trudge through each moment
Trying to pretend like I don’t spend every second
Missing you.
Trying to find something else to occupy my time
Instead of waiting for you to text me.
Hoping every call is you
Waiting for this nightmare to be over
Waiting for my life to be right again.
Have these thoughts awoken you as well?
Is it you?
And as 6, 7, 8, 9 and every hour comes and goes
It will be one hour closer to the time
That I can try again and
Hope for rest
Hope for peace
Hope for sleep
I will pray all day
I will think of you all day
I will cry on the inside all day
I will wonder what you are doing all day
I will hope that there is no one to replace the space
That I hope I have in your heart.
I will tell myself that it is getting easier
When I know and feel in my heart and all of my soul
That this day is no better than the last
I will smile on the outside
When on the inside I can’t find anything to smile about
I will do what I’m supposed to do
While I am secretly dying on the inside
I will push harder for the things I want
And pretend like I am newly motivated
When really it’s all I can do to keep from falling apart
I will wonder all day if you think of me
I will wonder all day if you know I think of you
I will hope that you still love me
I will hope that you know that I will always love you
I will still dream of our future
I will hope that you still think we have a future too
I will fight myself with the thought that this is over
I will talk myself into believing that you will come back to me
I will criticize myself because I feel so dumb
I will yell at myself because I have become so dull without you
Is it you?
Is it me hoping it is you?
Are we still connected so much that I know when you hurt..
I know when you are angry…
I know when you are frustrated…
But not connected enough for me to know that
There was no connection for you?
Is it you?
Is your pain like my pain?
Is your frustration like my frustration?
Is your love like my love?
Do I just hope it is like mine so that I can hold on to a glimpse
Of what I think still can be?
Is it you?
Are you here?
Will you come back?
Have you let go?
Is it you?
What do you want?
What do you need?
What can I do?
Is it you?
Or is my mind running in hopelessness
Is my heart hurting because the truth is that you are not part of me
Is my body running purely on undefined emotion
That stops me from eating, sleeping, or even being
in any way affected by the things that should slow me?
Will the questions ever stop?
Will the pain ever go away?
Will my heart beat again in the way that it did
So freely before?
Is it you?
Is it you?
5:38 a.m.