Thursday, September 10, 2009

Racism lives!!

For my thoughts about the reactions, actions and nonsense of this week-you can view THE Friend's blog:

I really urge all of you to support the President and this Healthcare reform by calling your congressman. Let your voice be heard! It is so important!

Also, I will be contacting my son's superintendent and asking for the exact reason for having to sign a permission slip to let my son watch President Obama's speech. This is an outrage. Don't sit down on this opportunity to be heard. The message being sent to our children is unbelievable.

Whether you agree or disagree, I'm quite sure that none of us want our children to grow up in a society where they are told and SHOWN it is okay to disregard authority. Contact your school and see if your concerns should be addressed to the superintendent, school board, accountability committee's or advisory boards. Write an open letter to your newspaper. Do SOMETHING. Change is HERE. Let's make sure it stays.