Monday, July 20, 2009

A love letter to my son...

I'm not sure where to start
I'm not sure this will ever end
But I know my life wasn't complete
Until the day that yours began

You have grown into your own person
Full of your own hopes and dreams
You give me joy, you give me light
You gave me the very best part of me

Your wisdom is beyond your years
Your insight sometimes that of a grown man
Your faith takes all my worries away
You already know with Him, you CAN.

Through your eyes, I see a whole new world
Through your heart I can love so much more
With you beside me in all that I do
I don't know how I did it before.

The unconditional love for me
Even though my standard is high
You seem to know that I have that same love for you
Even when we're not in strong "like"!

The way you pour out your little heart
Has shown me it is in no way small
The way you care for every person you meet
The way you see with no boundaries, no walls...

God has blessed you with such amazing gifts
I will never take credit for any of those
Your love, your compassion, your talent, your path-
It is you, not I, that he chose.

The way you take it all before God
And let it go and know it is done
The faith, the hope, the love in your heart
You are blessed, amazing little one.

No money could ever give me this wealth
That I have achieved just having your love
Nothing could ever have made my life better
You don't even know all that you've done.

I told you that my lingering hope
is for you to be BETTER than me
And you asked, "Mommy, you are the best...
I don't think I could EVER be!"

You're sentiment, so endearing, yet so untrue
The world is yours to have at your feet
You are already better than I, my son
A heart and soul, so pure-so sweet.

You see, I would not be all that I am
Had I never been blessed with you
You give me renewed inspiration every day
A purpose in everything that I do.

My greatest fear is to let you down
To not measure up to who you deserve
To not be the role model you need in your life
To fail to return all that love.

All I can do is try my best
Teach you as well as I know now
I might not always be right everytime
But God will never let you down.

Do not ever put your trust in man
Even I, though I hope not to, will fail
The problem is not a problem for God
He will show you he always prevails.

And when you feel you have failed yourself
My son, don't ever look back
I'm not here to remind you of what you didn't do
I'm here to help you stay on track.

No words could ever correctly describe
The love in my heart for you
Not millions of hugs, kisses, or custom handshakes
Could show you the absolute truth.

I've never known a love like this
I'll be here to catch you should you ever fall.
You are the very best thing that I have
You are my love, my life, my ALL.

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