Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday August 10, 2008~Don't Bow

Sunday's sermon was from Daniel 3:1, 4-6.

The sermon was about how the three boys did not bow down to the king because they knew better. And of course we went on to the furnace, where three people were thrown in but 4 appeared to be present.

The Evangelist's message was for the children, fitting for youth Sunday. But also for parents, telling us all to not bow down when we KNOW God is telling us to do something different. And I heard her, I really did. But I had a realization.

I have bowed down to this relationship. Made promises to God, didn't keep them. We made promises to God in our relationship, and didn't keep them. I bowed down. Bowed down to what I thought would make him happy, when all I had to do was stand up for God.

I'm still not okay. I don't have much more to relate on this subject...all I can do is pass the message on.

Don't Bow.

Cause I can tell you, it's a hell of a journey to just get back up.

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